We are thrilled to share this Save the Date with our friends, family, supporters, grantors, and partners. Because of you, IWIN has made a significant impact on the lives of more than 8,800 Hoosiers and we can't wait to celebrate with you on September 27!
The Illuminate Gala, a co-ed event, invites the entire IWIN community to come together for a special night to honor IWIN's legacy of compassion as we look forward to a future of hope. Together, we will hear stories of resilience and strength from survivors and highlight memorable IWIN moments throughout our 25 years of service. Guests will enjoy a fun and inspirational night with others who share a common bond. More details to come.
Mark your calendars, this is going to be an incredible night!
"My dedication to the fight against breast cancer began several years ago with the diagnosis of breast cancer to a very good friend. It was at that time that I realized the impact treatment had on a woman. Due to the fatiguing nature of chemotherapy and the physical limitations of surgery, I recognized that even the simple things in life now became stressors, such as lifting their child and cleaning the house."
- Nancy Shepard, R.N