Looking for IWIN Committee Members

Development/Marketing Committee

The Development Committee is responsible for overseeing the organization's overall fundraising. The committee works with staff to establish a fundraising plan that incorporates a series of appropriate vehicles, such as special events, direct mail, grants; third party events; prospect identification and cultivation, product sales, etc.; The Development Committee creates and implements a strategic fundraising plan and involves all board members in fundraising; monitors fundraising efforts to be sure that that ethical practices are in place, that donors are acknowledged appropriately, and that fundraising efforts are cost-effective.

The Marketing Committee works with staff to develop marketing and communication strategies to convey the importance and impact of our organization to potential donors and to generate interest in our mission. The committee contributes expertise to assist staff in establishing organizational marketing, branding and communication plans and initiatives and advises staff on strategies and development for various marketing communications channels and web presences including, electronic/social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc), newsletter, public relations, website and printed collateral. Additionally, committee members help maintain and build relationships with key industry partners and members of the press in conjunction with staff efforts.


Program Committee

The Program Committee works with Program staff to oversee new program development and monitor and assess exiting programs; Initiates and guides program evaluation; Facilitates discussions about program priorities for the IWIN Foundation.


Finance Committee

Reports to the Board on the financial performance of The IWIN Foundation and recommends policies that will ensure long-range financial stability. The committee reviews budgets initially prepared by staff to help develop appropriate procedures for budget preparations and consistency between the budget and the organization’s plans; Works with staff to design financial reports and ensures that reports are accurate and timely; Recommends financial guidelines to the Board of Directors; advises the executive director on financial priorities.




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